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Fiction not Doom Scrolling Leads to Sweet Dreams
Habit #22 in my 30 day journey
I always read before bed. It’s a key part of my bedtime ritual. The question is what do I read?
Access to ebooks from my local library has been a game-changer for me. I always have something interesting to read. If it isn’t interesting enough it will automatically go back to the library at the end of the loan period without me ever lifting a finger.
So why, I ask you do I find myself reading a few chapters, closing the app, and then saying to myself, “I’ll just check Twitter a minute and see if anything important has happened in the world.” Or, even worse, checking Twitter before fiction reading and spending the rest of the evening doom scrolling never making it to my novel.
You could argue that most of Twitter is fiction but let’s not go there.
This is another area where I’ve fallen into bad habits. I know news consumption just before bed is a bad idea and yet I fall for it so frequently.
Habit #22, read fiction then go to bed. Do not pass Go. Do not open Twitter.
Are you wondering how I’m doing with all the habits I’ve added so far? Mostly very well. I’m enjoying most of them. The whole brushing teeth after dinner and no snacking at night is definitely the toughest.
I’m finding so much value personally by reflecting on habits and from priming my writing pump dashing out these short posts each morning I have decided I’m going to keep it up into next month by writing a daily reflection on each habit as I reach the 30-day mark. Stay tuned.