I think your story is great. It's well-written, informative, and relatable. No publication is always a risk. I'm not sure of the perfect pub for this one but whenever I have a story I'm not sure what to do with I tend to go with Writters Blokke.
I wonder change the title and the photo. I think your title makes a good subtitle but wouldn't grab me as a writer. This is totally the kind of story I love to read, a well written first hand description of an experience I hadn't had, probably won't have, but can totally relate to the emotions of but nothing in your title or photo suggests this is the kind of story I get if I click.
I think the photo you used here would be a much better photo for your original story than the cow. Add in a title which highlights the condition and you would have ganined a click from me and then claps and a follow after reading your story.