Sorry, I missed this one before. Of course, Jesus would drink a beer on the beach, or in a pub, or hanging out with buddies in the backyard.
I don't see Jesus getting drunk and disorderly but I'd consider tipsy a possibility. I think he was a fully fleshed personwho experienced life wholeheartedly.
I grew up with parents who are teetotalers and attended fundamentalist schools so I get your late night insomnia about the question. It reminds me of the time I was 12 and we were visiting my aunt and uncle. My aunt sent me to get something for her from the downstairs fridge and I was horrified to find cases of beer in there. I remember rushing to my mom and pulling her aside tears in my eyes." Mom," I said, "I thought uncle John and aunt Fran were Christians."
"Of course they are," said my confused mother "What makes you think they aren't?" I told her about the beer and then she had a lot of explaining to do.