Member-only story
Start the Day the Tidy Kitchen Way
Habit #9 in my 30 day journey
Classic fairy tale elves come in at night and do your work for you.
I apparently have gremlins.
I try to clean up the kitchen after dinner each night but somehow in the morning, there are stray wine glasses here and there, clean dishes left to dry the night before, the results of someone’s midnight snacks, dishes left behind as someone rushed out the door in the morning.
And almost always items soaking in the sink. My spouse is a firm believer that all dishes benefit from time emersed in water. Which wouldn’t be so bad if we had more than one kitchen sink.
Unless I’m actively in the middle of meal prep a messy kitchen distresses me. Not enough to clean it usually but enough to annoy me each time I walk in. I should ask so and so to deal with their dishes, or I should take a minute and tidy this up, I’ll say to myself then quickly talk myself out of it and remain annoyed.
Leading us straight to habit #9. Every morning I will use the time between filling the kettle with water for my tea and pouring my first cuppa to tidy up the kitchen.
I’ll be able to sit down to work knowing I have already accomplished something with my day. Each time I venture forth to refill my tea, grab a snack, put in a load of…