Thanks for sharing Rose. I know the frustration of trying to second guess curation. I don't think jail is a thing but occasionally a missed story or two makes me go WTF.
I'll start with your digital product story. If I had to guess on the curation front I'd say it's the title. I'm just guessing but I don't think Medium likes titles that suggest one answer without revealing it in the title or subtitle.
The other thing I think your story could benefit from is tightening it up a bit and maybe adding subheadings.
I was also thrown by the first sentence. You call yourself a commerical wet dream but the word commerical here doesn't make sense to me. If you changed it to marketer's I think things would flow better.
I think you are trying to say marketers should love you because you are an easy mark if they treat you right. Commerical just throws me.
You have a ton of good thoughts in here and your voice comes through nicely.