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The Garrulous Glaswegian
Writer profile #7 in my 30 day reading challenge
When it comes to pen names The Garrulous Glaswegian may be my very favorite. It rolls off the tongue like a thing of beauty. I’m a sucker for alliteration and fun-sounding words. As far names for people from a particular city go it is hard to top “Glaswegain” which means someone from Glasgow. It certainly knocks Londoner out of the park.
Merriman Webster defines garrulous:
given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative
I love the irony in her pen name. The Garrulous Glaswegian’s writing is many things but tedious, pointless or annoying it is not.
Here are some fun reads I found:
I once read a diatribe against the words amongst and whilst, by an otherwise very pleasant North American lady of apparently average intelligence. Let’s call her C.
Whilst C expounded on how unsuitable she found these words, considering them to be outmoded and arguing that “people” just don’t use…