You have several great stories in here. Given the fact this story is 3 months old I'd leave this one alone and pull all the jumbled together stories out into new separate ones.
Possible stories include
- Stepping up into advocating for your kid
- Managing asthma
- Balancing the needs of a newborn when your old child has issues
-moving away from your support systems and comfort zone
13 minutes is way too long for most people.
I love to write about episodes from my past but I've learned I really need to stop viewing them as family history if I want them to sing to a reader. If a fact doesn't further or add to the story is some way it is out of there even if it matters to me.
I'm hoping my future grandkids-- if I'm lucky enough to have some-- read my stories. I'm also hoping I'm around to fill them in on the little details that matter to family but not anyone else.